Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Mecc-ap your mind....

thn mecca vlepw kai gelw, egw eimai me Evraious
kante th twra "parking lot" pou tha leei ki o Petreus (=americanos strathgos)

thn imiselhno san dw, panw ths 8a kserasw
8a anevw se kathe minarέ, ton imamh na swpasw

fora phre o J sot, kai egine polyvolo
twra me xarh tha sth8ei, na ton parei mesa olo

Hummer einai oi rimes mou, kai orgwnoun thn Vagdath
fernw "diplh" 8wrakish, parte me twra "mati"

eisai ay8adhs little sot, better show me some respect
oi rimes mou ein' asyllhptes, eimai mucho intellέct

o Recru tous F-rappers ekane, na einai mes th moda
oloi empros mou "prosoxh" me t'oplo "para pόda"

esy forever deyteros, kai very idrwmenos
me second place at your feet, na'sai eytyxismenos

Lagwnika oi rimes sou, oi dikes mou Iagouaroi
kai oloi kseroun telika, poios se poion 8a thn "fermarei"

twra pia eimaste "dyo" enw palia hmastan "four"
o moses exei "kleidw8ei" eksw ap twn frappers to front door

Gia thn "J" ti na poume? exei fygei apo kairo
me ta flows den asxoleitai, mono me rouxa twn Mi-Ro

Empneysh extra ama vreis, ston Admin amesws dwsth
cause gia allh mia fora, vlepei to "movie" ap ton "ekswsth"

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