Roufate th.....
kaytes einai oi rimes mou san vromiko tabasco
dinw ma8hmata grafhs, synexeia didaskw
mhn pas na mou thn peis, mhn pas na mou th "fereis"
giati sto telos mark my words, esy tha ypofereis
exei arxisei polemos me sot kai mary J.
o recrew den stamata pote, o logos tou 8a "reei"
egw gia plaka esthsa mia vomikh plektanh
giati eimai enas satyros, me kseroun sto limani
funny einai oi stoixoi mou, se kanoun na gelas
kai j sot peta ston kado to pringle pou foras
ton Gre ki an prospa8hseis, den ton ksegelas
to idio lathos kaneis, kai pote den me akous
me psaxneis sthn kouzina, ma vriskomai sto ntous
to Attica to kseroume pws einai trendy meros
pou ekei paei kai ntynetai o kathe gay geros
h "J" panta prospathei th Lena na th 8apsei
enw kathetetai amerimnh ta nyxia ths na vapsei
Ma h Lena h kargiola ta pianei panta ola
Th Mary J. tha mageirepsei mesa se katsarola
Esena Sot ti na sou pw, pou egines gampros
akoma ki an "pantreytikes" apo recruiter tha ton "trws"
me tsantizeis, me tsitwneis kai tote pairnw mpros
ton recrew 8a to'ne kanei tainia h warner bros
agorazeis metoxes kai maggia fthnh poulas
egw eimai upper level kai sy eisai "bus class"
Admin egw se sevomai, gia sena kamarwnw
to ksereis pws me anesh ton J sot tapwnw
kai niwthei sta pneumonia tou ton pono-pono-pono
Thn Mary J kseshkwnw,
kai gia mena 8a' ftane akoma kai sto fono
synenteuksh ths phra, mou phre mikrofόνο
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